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Small Groups Leader


My name is Lewis and I started coming to Open Circle in 2022. In that short time period, I've been blessed to see so many life's changed and incredible testimonies week-in week-out. It's truly an honour to serve in our connect team and see this ministry grow daily. I'm so grateful that I get to see the name of Jesus spread far and wide - as we've taken OC from churches, to galleries, to cafes and nightclubs. I love our community, our powerful worship and our strong emphasis on sound doctirine. Most of all however, I love that Christ comes first in every single thing that we do, from top to bottom. Along with Laolu and our group leaders, I help to lead our Small Groups ministry. Here we meet once a month, in smaller, and more intimate settings across the city. Seeing people grow in their knowledge of, and relationship with God and his word fills me with Joy - and I can't wait to see what the future holds for OC and Dublin!